Library Computer Use Guidelines

Chemeketa's library exists as a major resource for the college and the community to meet the college's educational commitment (#4110POL)

Electronic information resources at Chemeketa are to be used in a manner that supports the educational mission of the college. For this reason, use of the computers for educational purposes is given precedence over computing pursuits of a more personal or recreational nature. Patrons using the library computers for non-academic purposes may be asked to relinquish their computers at times of high student need.

Use of library computers and other electronic resources is governed by Chemeketa's Use of College Network, Technology, Communications Resources Policy (#1760POL), Use of Copyrighted Materials Policy (#4210 POL), Harassment/Discrimination Policy (#1750 POL), and other college policies and procedures as applicable.

In general, the same ethical and professional conduct that applies to other college activities applies to the use of electronic information resources. Users must show respect for college property, respect for others, and bear responsibility for their actions. Current college policies, procedures and guidelines, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and collective bargaining agreements define appropriate ethical and professional conduct for electronic information users. In addition, all users are required to observe state, federal, and other legal regulations (e.g. FERPA, etc). (#1760 POL)

The Chemeketa Community College Library strongly supports the principles of intellectual freedom as outlined in the Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries. It is not the intent of this guideline to dampen or restrict intellectual freedom or access to information for academic or personal enrichment. However, the library is committed to providing a comfortable, safe environment conducive to study and research for our community and will act in accordance with college policies and procedures to ensure these conditions.

College information technology resources may be used for lawful purposes only. Non-compliance with any of the provisions of College policy, procedure and these guidelines may subject the user to college disciplinary and/or legal action.

Issues concerning improper use of the information technology resources should be brought to the attention of the Dean of Library & Learning Resources.

Users of library electronic information resources must be willing to:

  • Follow the instructions of library staff members.
  • Accept responsibility for learning how to use information technology.The college provides training on the use of information technology. All users are encouraged to learn the proper use of information technology by individual learning, or attending training sessions, or classes.
  • Accept responsibility for backup and security of your own work. Each user should make backup copies of important work and learn and properly use software features for securing or sharing access to their information. Users are responsible for providing their own storage media and should be aware that computer storage devices can fail.
  • Use resources efficiently. Users are expected to accept limitations or restrictions on computing resources, such as storage space, time limits, or amount of resources consumed when so instructed by the college. Such restrictions are designed to ensure fair access for all users. The use of high bandwidth file sharing technology, for example, Bittorrent, may be prohibited at the college's discretion.
  • Use electronic equipment properly. Do nothing to damage college equipment. Damaging equipment includes (but is not restricted to) vandalism, theft, and turning off or rebooting equipment without staff authorization.
  • Abide by all security provisions. Users may not circumvent the library's computer registration/login software, use another user's library card or login to gain access to the network, or attempt to evade, disable or "crack" password(s) or other security provisions or assist others in doing so.
  • Maintain an environment conducive to study and research. Users are expected to respect the sensibilities of others and not display graphic or potentially offensive images or content in a way that might be considered harassing or which would interfere with the rights of others not to view such material. Library staff may take steps to maintain an environment conducive to study and research.
  • Obey copyright law and all appropriate licensing terms. Chemeketa Community College expects users to know, understand and apply copyright law and to comply with all terms of access for library-provided software and electronic resources.
  • Recognize that information on college resources may be monitored - communication on college resources is not private. The security of electronic information on shared systems and networks is approximately that of paper documents in an unsealed or sealed envelope--generally respected, but breachable by someone determined to do so. Use of college-owned technology resources constitutes consent to network monitoring and, although monitoring is not continuous, users should always assume that their communication on college resources is not private. (#1760 POL)
  • Understand the limitations of our electronic resources. Electronic equipment is offered for use "as is." Software and hardware may or may not be the most current versions. Users are responsible for determining program compatibility.
  • Supervise your children. The supervision of minor children is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. No child under the age of 16 is allowed in the library without a parent or guardian unless they are actively enrolled in a Chemeketa class (#2280 PRO). The library does not filter internet access and takes no responsibility for content viewed by minors while on the premises. Parents or guardians are responsible for monitoring the electronic content accessed by minor children.

Revised July 28, 2015