Find Tech Help - Ayuda técnica

Answers to the most frequently asked technology questions



Help with Login Issues - Ayuda con el inicio de sesión

  • Logging Into the Single Sign On - Iniciar sesión en Single Sign On

    Self Help

    MFA sign-up steps:

    1. Go to in any modern web browser
    2. You will be taken to the Chemeketa Single Sign-On (SSO) login page and asked to log in using your Chemeketa User name and password
    3. Select a method to use for MFA from the “Security info” page.

    To Add an Option:

    1. Click on the “+ Add Sign-in Method”
    2. Choose an option (You can only have one version of each option active at a time)
    3. After a selection is made, follow the instructions on how to finish signing up for that option
    4. After you set up your initial options, you'll be logged out
    5. 5. You now should test your MFA by logging into the webpage to make any other changes to your options. 


    There is no email support for Single Sign On login issues or Chemeketa passwords.  Students can go to the Help desk in the Student Success Center (Salem 2/210) or call 503.399.7899 at any time. Use option #1, or after hours option #3. Employees must call 503.399.7899, option 1.

    Ayuda en español -

    No hay asistencia por correo electrónico para problemas con el inicio de sesión único o con contraseñas de Chemeketa. Estudiantes pueden ir a edificio 2, sala 210 (Salem), para conseguir ayuda, o pueden llamar al 503.399.7899. Selecciona la opción 1, o furera de horas selecciona la opción 3.. Empleados tienen que llamar al  503.399.7899.


Help with Getting Your Student ID - Ayuda con su credencial estudiantil

Help with the Class Environment - Ayuda con el Aula Digital

Help with Videoconferencing Applications - Aplicaciones de Videoconferencia

Help with Specific Software Used in Courses - Ayuda con Software Específico

Help Connecting to Library Resources -Para conectarse con la biblioteca

Connecting to the College Wi-Fi - Para conectarse a la red wifi

  • Help with Chemeketa Wi-Fi - Ayuda con a la red wifi

    Connection Support: 

    • Walk in to the library to get help from the Computer Center Instructional Specialists
    • Go to the Student Success Center  (Salem 2/210) for help
    • Computer Center - Call 503.399.2543,  or  
    • IT Help Desk at 503.399.7899

    Connection Self Help:

    • If you have a previous connection to CCCStudent or CCCEmployee, forget it on your device
    • Connect to the network called Stormnet
    • The WiFi network will make use of single sign-on credentials (which only need to be entered once)

    Ayuda con su conexión

    • Pide en la mesa de ayuda 1 en la biblioteca
    • Ayuda es disponible en edificio 2, sala 210 (Salem)
    • Centro de Computación: Llame al 503.399.2543,

    Autoayuda con su conexión

    • Si tiene una conexión previa a CCCStudent o CCCEmployee, olvídela en su dispositivo
    • Conéctese a la red Stormnet
    • La red WiFi utilizará credenciales de inicio de sesión único