Library Instruction Room Guidelines

The library has an instruction room for class orientations and student use.


The Library Instruction Room contains one instructor station, 20 computer stations, and seating for 40 people. Each workstation provides access to the library's computer catalog, article databases, and the Internet. Library Instruction Room equipment is for use in the Instruction Room only. A complete inventory of computer equipment is maintained. Any changes in software or configuration must be approved in advance by the library staff. Anyone found abusing hardware, software, or furnishings will be asked to leave by staff and campus security may be notified.


The Library Instruction Room is primarily used for course-integrated library instruction, information resources workshops for students, staff, and faculty, and for access to web based information resource tutorials. Use of the Library Instruction Room is scheduled by the reference staff. The schedule of sessions will be posted near the door of the room. So that the room will be available when needed for library instruction, no classes will be scheduled in the room on a regular, recurring basis. Individual students may use the Library Instruction Room during non-scheduled times.


Faculty who wish to schedule their class for a library orientation session should contact the reference staff at 503.399.5231 or email Reference. Bibliographic instruction sessions will be conducted by reference librarians. Faculty who wish to lead their own sessions in the use of information resources may do so after consultation with reference staff and must complete a training session. In addition, a member of the reference staff must be present for these activities, to assist in the use of equipment and to provide expertise in the use of information sources.

Sessions in the Library Instruction Room are scheduled according to the following priorities:

  1. Course-integrated library instruction related directly to the CCC curriculum
  2. Professional development workshops taught by CCC librarians
  3. Open student mini-classes taught by CCC librarians
  4. Library staff training sessions