Guideline for Reconsideration of Library Resources
I. Intellectual Freedom Guideline
Intellectual freedom is essential for development of library collections and services offering diverse perspectives to meet the educational and research needs of the Chemeketa Community College academic community. The Chemeketa library endorses the intellectual freedom guidelines expressed in the American Library Association's "Library Bill of Rights" and the "Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries" as adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries. These documents provide the basis for the principles listed below.
- The library acquires materials in support of Chemeketa’s instructional programs reflecting a wide variety of viewpoints on subjects that may be considered controversial. Material will not be excluded from the collection because of the political, moral, religious, sexual, social, economic, or scientific views expressed. Materials are selected for the collection in accordance with the Library Collection Development Guidelines and the College’s policy on Library Services (#4110 POL).
- The library's preservation and replacement efforts will attempt to ensure that balance in library materials is maintained and controversial materials are not removed from the collections through theft, loss, mutilation, or wear.
- To further research and learning through exposure to the broadest possible range of ideas and information, the library offers open and unfiltered access to the Internet to Chemeketa’s academic community for uses in compliance with the College's Use of College Network, Technology, Communications Resources policy (#1760 POL).
- The library affords equal access to information for all in Chemeketa’s academic community with no discrimination on the basis of any legally protected class (i.e., race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or ethnic background, etc.).
- The library has an established procedure to ensure due process for requests for removal or addition of library resources or exhibits. The library will not remove any challenged material until a formal review mandates such action.
II. Procedure for Reconsideration of Library Resources
- Individuals or organizations within or outside of Chemeketa who challenge materials should be given a copy of the library's Guideline for Reconsideration of Library Resources and should complete the “Reconsideration of Library Resources Request Form” form. Copies of both documents are available at all library public service desks or on the website. Completed forms should be forwarded to the Director's office as soon as possible. No formal review will be initiated without this written request.
- Upon receipt of a written request for reconsideration, the Dean of Library & Learning Resources, in consultation with the librarians, will call for an ad hoc review committee to be formed. This committee will be composed of the subject liaison, a second librarian (or the Dean of Library & Learning Resources), who will serve as the committee Chair, and at least one faculty member and the Dean from an academic program related to the subject of the material. If the material to be reviewed is highly interdisciplinary in nature, additional faculty representatives may be sought at the discretion of the Chair. The committee should meet to review the material for relevancy based on the Collection Development Guidelines and make a determination for the status of the item promptly.
- The Chair will compose a written response to the request for reconsideration, explaining the committee’s rationale for the decision to retain or withdraw the item. The Chair will also submit a completed form detailing the challenged material to ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom for inclusion in their confidential database on challenged materials.
- Copies of the decision will be forwarded to the Dean of Library & Learning Resources, Dean of Students and, if possible, the individual who completed the written request for reconsideration within 30 working days of submission (days that classes are not in session will not be considered working days for this purpose). If the appropriate subject liaison is not available within the 30 day period, another librarian on staff may serve at the discretion of the Dean of Library & Learning Resources.
- The Dean of Library & Learning Resources will keep records of all requests for reconsideration. In cases where the decision is to retain the challenged item, a note will be added to the item record in the library’s automated system indicating the date of review. The Chair will work with cataloging staff to withdraw items or add notes as appropriate.
- Items that have been challenged may not be challenged again within the same three year period, but may be withdrawn according to standard weeding practices. The Dean of Library & Learning Resources and Executive Dean of Students will consider any appeals to the final decision of the ad hoc committee